Macroeconomics deals with the behaviour of the whole economy. This course is an introductory course in macroeconomics. It is designed primarily to familiarize students with the basic theory of income/output determination - what determines the level of national income and output in modern economies
In addition, this course expound on theories of aggregate economic activity
in the national economy and its link with the rest of the world. Emphasis is placed
on basic principles involved in the determination of the level of national
output, the aggregate price level, money supply, interest rate, exchange rate,
balance of payments, government deficit, national debt, fiscal and the monetary
policies. It further provides a broad understanding of economic growth theory
and its implications for the economy.
The main goal
of the course is to provide students with basic understanding of the broad
macroeconomic issues concerning the economy and to enable them to understand
and analyze relationships among macroeconomic variables and markets/industry/sectors within the national
economy and being part of the global economic system.
course content has been organized in such a way that student gets a mixture of
descriptive material, theoretical insights, and policy dialogues. As you can
expect, the level of difficulty of the subject-matter will increase as we
progress through the course - the later chapters containing more difficult
materials than the earlier ones and requiring greater patience and perseverance
with the course material.
One key thing about the organization of the
course material is the fact that progression of the theme of macroeconomics is
like a story telling or seeing a feature film. This means that all parts of the
course material are linked - you cannot pick and choose the topics
(chapters/lectures), do some and skip the others. Such a pick-and-choose
approach will make the course material unnecessarily difficult and class
presentation immensely confusing.