This is a Moodle shell template.
- Lecturer: Asishna Ansu
- Lecturer: Calvin Prasad
- Lecturer: Sheemal Prasad
- Lecturer: Verleshwar Singh
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is
a space to learn and share about:
1. the use of ChatGPT in the two courses (UU100 and UU204) to ensure we do it well (Using Moodle starting 6th October, 2023)
2. the research project: Exploring the use
of Artificial Intelligence (Large Language Models) for Enhancing Learning and
Teaching in the Pacific Island Countries (Face-to-Face, 11-12, 6th October, 2023)
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
Welcome to the first of three ED300 Modules that you will do to successfully complete the course. In this, your first Module, you will complete a three week placement in a school. Quite possibly for many of you this will be your first time back in a school and classroom since you were a student yourself. The Module is designed as an introductory experience where you are to observe and reflect on what you see going on around you in both the classroom and the wider school and its community. You are not required to do any teaching, although you may if required assist your Associate Teachers in the lessons they teach. In this case you shall be interacting with the students and generally helping out in the classroom. The specific mandatory requirements of this Module are mapped out below. They form 10% of your overall result in this course and are added to the assessment weighting of the other two Modules you will complete over the span of your degree.
Please take some time to familiarise yourself with the contents of this Moodle page and the requirements of the Module.
Please pay particular attention to the assessment overview and how each of the tasks help you work toward important course outcomes. At a later stage you will combine all completed assessment tasks (from Modules 1, 2 and 3) into an e-portfolio based on the 8 ED300 course outcomes. You will find all eight course outcomes listed in the downloadable course outline below. Please familiarise yourself with them as they guide us all in the direction in which we need to be heading in this important capstone ED300 Practicum course.
Welcome to the first of three ED300 Modules that you will do to successfully complete the course. In this, your first Module, you will complete a three week placement in a school. Quite possibly for many of you this will be your first time back in a school and classroom since you were a student yourself. The Module is designed as an introductory experience where you are to observe and reflect on what you see going on around you in both the classroom and the wider school and its community. You are not required to do any teaching, although you may if required assist your Associate Teachers in the lessons they teach. In this case you shall be interacting with the students and generally helping out in the classroom. The specific mandatory requirements of this Module are mapped out below. They form 10% of your overall result in this course and are added to the assessment weighting of the other two Modules you will complete over the span of your degree.
Please take some time to familiarise yourself with the contents of this Moodle page and the requirements of the Module.
Please pay particular attention to the assessment overview and how each of the tasks help you work toward important course outcomes. At a later stage you will combine all completed assessment tasks (from Modules 1, 2 and 3) into an e-portfolio based on the 8 ED300 course outcomes. You will find all eight course outcomes listed in the downloadable course outline below. Please familiarise yourself with them as they guide us all in the direction in which we need to be heading in this important capstone ED300 Practicum course.
Welcome to the first of three ED300 Modules that you will do to successfully complete the course. In this, your first Module, you will complete a three week placement in a school. Quite possibly for many of you this will be your first time back in a school and classroom since you were a student yourself. The Module is designed as an introductory experience where you are to observe and reflect on what you see going on around you in both the classroom and the wider school and its community. You are not required to do any teaching, although you may if required assist your Associate Teachers in the lessons they teach. In this case you shall be interacting with the students and generally helping out in the classroom. The specific mandatory requirements of this Module are mapped out below. They form 10% of your overall result in this course and are added to the assessment weighting of the other two Modules you will complete over the span of your degree.
Please take some time to familiarise yourself with the contents of this Moodle page and the requirements of the Module.
Please pay particular attention to the assessment overview and how each of the tasks help you work toward important course outcomes. At a later stage you will combine all completed assessment tasks (from Modules 1, 2 and 3) into an e-portfolio based on the 8 ED300 course outcomes. You will find all eight course outcomes listed in the downloadable course outline below. Please familiarise yourself with them as they guide us all in the direction in which we need to be heading in this important capstone ED300 Practicum course.
Welcome to the first of three ED300 Modules that you will do to successfully complete the course. In this, your first Module, you will complete a three week placement in a school. Quite possibly for many of you this will be your first time back in a school and classroom since you were a student yourself. The Module is designed as an introductory experience where you are to observe and reflect on what you see going on around you in both the classroom and the wider school and its community. You are not required to do any teaching, although you may if required assist your Associate Teachers in the lessons they teach. In this case you shall be interacting with the students and generally helping out in the classroom. The specific mandatory requirements of this Module are mapped out below. They form 10% of your overall result in this course and are added to the assessment weighting of the other two Modules you will complete over the span of your degree.
Please take some time to familiarise yourself with the contents of this Moodle page and the requirements of the Module.
Please pay particular attention to the assessment overview and how each of the tasks help you work toward important course outcomes. At a later stage you will combine all completed assessment tasks (from Modules 1, 2 and 3) into an e-portfolio based on the 8 ED300 course outcomes. You will find all eight course outcomes listed in the downloadable course outline below. Please familiarise yourself with them as they guide us all in the direction in which we need to be heading in this important capstone ED300 Practicum course.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
Dou na vulica ena vuli qo na kena vakatavulici na Vosavakaviti Raraba. O sa vulica oti mai na FJ111: Na Vakadidike Vosa Vakaviti I kei na Umavosa Maroroi Vakaviti I. E so vei kemudou sa otiva mai na FJ211 kei na FJ221; mo dou kua ni guilecava na ka dou sa vulica oti mai ena veivuli tale e so.
O na tubera vakacava e dua e via kila na Vosavakaviti Raraba? O na tuvana vakacava na nomu iTuvatuva ni Vuli? Me vaka nira levu na ivukevuke yaga ni vuli torocake era sa volai tu ena vosa vakaperitania, o na vakadewataka vakacava? Se mani itagede cava o na veiqaravi kina ena gadrevi vei iko mo kila na veivakatavulici kei na veituberi.
Datou na saga ena FJ212 Veika Vakaviti me datou vakadewavosa, buli vosa vovou, vakarautaka na ituvatuva ni vuli, vasokomuni itukutuku,vakadidike, vuli mai vei ira na nodatou ilawalawa, veisoli vakasama, cokonaka e dua na nodatou iVolamata. Qai kena ilutua me datou toso vata kei na gauna vou ni teknolozi me vakayagataki na veiyaya vovou me vaka e tiko qo ena MOODLE, na zoom, viber ena nodatou vakatovotovo ena veituberi ena vosa vakaviti.
Kua sara ni o lomaleqa baleta ni datou na sokota vata tiko na waqa qo ni FJ212 Veika Vakaviti; e gadrevi dina kina na igu kei na solesolevaki.
O qasenivuli Apolonia Tamata
Dou na vulica ena vuli qo na kena vakatavulici na Vosavakaviti Raraba. O sa vulica oti mai na FJ111: Na Vakadidike Vosa Vakaviti I kei na Umavosa Maroroi Vakaviti I. E so vei kemudou sa otiva mai na FJ211 kei na FJ221; mo dou kua ni guilecava na ka dou sa vulica oti mai ena veivuli tale e so.
O na tubera vakacava e dua e via kila na Vosavakaviti Raraba? O na tuvana vakacava na nomu iTuvatuva ni Vuli? Me vaka nira levu na ivukevuke yaga ni vuli torocake era sa volai tu ena vosa vakaperitania, o na vakadewataka vakacava? Se mani itagede cava o na veiqaravi kina ena gadrevi vei iko mo kila na veivakatavulici kei na veituberi.
Datou na saga ena FJ212 Veika Vakaviti me datou vakadewavosa, buli vosa vovou, vakarautaka na ituvatuva ni vuli, vasokomuni itukutuku,vakadidike, vuli mai vei ira na nodatou ilawalawa, veisoli vakasama, cokonaka e dua na nodatou iVolamata. Qai kena ilutua me datou toso vata kei na gauna vou ni teknolozi me vakayagataki na veiyaya vovou me vaka e tiko qo ena MOODLE, na zoom, viber ena nodatou vakatovotovo ena veituberi ena vosa vakaviti.
Kua sara ni o lomaleqa baleta ni datou na sokota vata tiko na waqa qo ni FJ212 Veika Vakaviti; e gadrevi dina kina na igu kei na solesolevaki.
O qasenivuli Apolonia Tamata
Dou na vulica ena vuli qo na kena vakatavulici na Vosavakaviti Raraba. O sa vulica oti mai na FJ111: Na Vakadidike Vosa Vakaviti I kei na Umavosa Maroroi Vakaviti I. E so vei kemudou sa otiva mai na FJ211 kei na FJ221; mo dou kua ni guilecava na ka dou sa vulica oti mai ena veivuli tale e so.
O na tubera vakacava e dua e via kila na Vosavakaviti Raraba? O na tuvana vakacava na nomu iTuvatuva ni Vuli? Me vaka nira levu na ivukevuke yaga ni vuli torocake era sa volai tu ena vosa vakaperitania, o na vakadewataka vakacava? Se mani itagede cava o na veiqaravi kina ena gadrevi vei iko mo kila na veivakatavulici kei na veituberi.
Datou na saga ena FJ212 Veika Vakaviti me datou vakadewavosa, buli vosa vovou, vakarautaka na ituvatuva ni vuli, vasokomuni itukutuku,vakadidike, vuli mai vei ira na nodatou ilawalawa, veisoli vakasama, cokonaka e dua na nodatou iVolamata. Qai kena ilutua me datou toso vata kei na gauna vou ni teknolozi me vakayagataki na veiyaya vovou me vaka e tiko qo ena MOODLE, na zoom, viber ena nodatou vakatovotovo ena veituberi ena vosa vakaviti.
Kua sara ni o lomaleqa baleta ni datou na sokota vata tiko na waqa qo ni FJ212 Veika Vakaviti; e gadrevi dina kina na igu kei na solesolevaki.
O qasenivuli Apolonia Tamata
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This Moodle Space is to assist staff in our various research pursuits and to facilitate the operation of the PG & R committee of SOL. This space will also help members to connect with colleagues on other campuses of this University as well as with colleagues in other universities and institutions. It will be for sharing research resources and information for the PG&R committee.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
Dear Students,
Bula Vinaka and welcome to LM 312 for Semester 1, 2023.
I wish you all the best for the course. This is a practical based course where we will learn how to undertake and conduct a Feasibility Study for a Property-Land Development project and the stages of Property-Land Development. You will be given various real-life examples to assist your learning including a field trip to a recent development in Suva-Nausori.
I trust you'll bring your enthusiasm and desire to learn to the lectures, tutorials, and labs - designed to help you learn.
Throughout the semester I will be uploading course contents, assignments, etc. on a regular basis so do remember to check Moodle frequently. I will also post Announcements on Moodle when required. You can also interact on Moodle to ask questions or discuss class contents with your fellow LM312-ers.
Look forward to a successful semester.
All the best!
Mr. Paula D Raqeukai
Course Coordinator 2023
Dear Students,
Bula Vinaka and welcome to LM 312 for Semester 1, 2023.
I wish you all the best for the course. This is a practical based course where we will learn how to undertake and conduct a Feasibility Study for a Property-Land Development project and the stages of Property-Land Development. You will be given various real-life examples to assist your learning including a field trip to a recent development in Suva-Nausori.
I trust you'll bring your enthusiasm and desire to learn to the lectures, tutorials, and labs - designed to help you learn.
Throughout the semester I will be uploading course contents, assignments, etc. on a regular basis so do remember to check Moodle frequently. I will also post Announcements on Moodle when required. You can also interact on Moodle to ask questions or discuss class contents with your fellow LM312-ers.
Look forward to a successful semester.
All the best!
Mr. Paula D Raqeukai
Course Coordinator 2023
Dear Students,
Bula Vinaka and welcome to LM 312 for Semester 1, 2023.
I wish you all the best for the course. This is a practical based course where we will learn how to undertake and conduct a Feasibility Study for a Property-Land Development project and the stages of Property-Land Development. You will be given various real-life examples to assist your learning including a field trip to a recent development in Suva-Nausori.
I trust you'll bring your enthusiasm and desire to learn to the lectures, tutorials, and labs - designed to help you learn.
Throughout the semester I will be uploading course contents, assignments, etc. on a regular basis so do remember to check Moodle frequently. I will also post Announcements on Moodle when required. You can also interact on Moodle to ask questions or discuss class contents with your fellow LM312-ers.
Look forward to a successful semester.
All the best!
Mr. Paula D Raqeukai
Course Coordinator 2023
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Level 1 course template
Level 1 course is designed for courses that primarily aim to use the elearning platform for content delivery, with no or very little online activities or interactions.
This Moodle page
is designed to provide teaching staff at the university with all the
necessary information to successfully use our learning systems.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
The continuing exposure and experience of climate change both locally and globally has made food security a global concern especially to vulnerable small island states of the Pacific Island community. This course will examine the food system and status of food security at pre, during and post extreme climatic change events and challenges and factors affecting food security. The various international Food Security frameworks and policies will be examined and compared to the Pacific Food Security framework in order to help design appropriate adaptation protocols that will contribute to a climate resilient and sustainable food secure communities. The focus of adaptations will be related to strengthening the four pillars of food security through application of agro-technology and agromet decision support systems, resilient crops and farming systems, post-harvest, food safety and food preservations. The major project of the course will involve Food Security assessments and appropriate adaptations for selected Pacific Island communities. The examples and best practices and case studies in this course are from many food security resilient programs that are implemented in the Pacific Island Region. These were implemented by partners such as national governments, Pacific Community (SPC), FAO, SPREP and NGOs. The course will be delivered online using moodle platform and comprise of 100% course work
The continuing exposure and experience of climate change both locally and globally has made food security a global concern especially to vulnerable small island states of the Pacific Island community. This course will examine the food system and status of food security at pre, during and post extreme climatic change events and challenges and factors affecting food security. The various international Food Security frameworks and policies will be examined and compared to the Pacific Food Security framework in order to help design appropriate adaptation protocols that will contribute to a climate resilient and sustainable food secure communities. The focus of adaptations will be related to strengthening the four pillars of food security through application of agro-technology and agromet decision support systems, resilient crops and farming systems, post-harvest, food safety and food preservations. The major project of the course will involve Food Security assessments and appropriate adaptations for selected Pacific Island communities. The examples and best practices and case studies in this course are from many food security resilient programs that are implemented in the Pacific Island Region. These were implemented by partners such as national governments, Pacific Community (SPC), FAO, SPREP and NGOs. The course will be delivered online using moodle platform and comprise of 100% course work
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
Ni sa bula vinaka, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei,, Namaste, Kia orana, Taloha ni, Ia orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, 'Alii, Malo ni, Halo Olaketa, Mauri, Aloha mai & warm Greetings.
Welcome to SW201: Social & Community Work Practice I
The course
critically analyses the skills and models of working with individuals, families,
groups and communities. An emphasis is
placed on contextual and culturally appropriate ways of working with people in
a variety of social and community work settings across Pacific Island nations.
Please refer to Moodle for any updates on Lecture dates and times. For regional students, there will a Zoom tutorial offered and this will begin in the 2nd week of the semester. Tutorials will also begin in Wk 2 for Laucala based students. Attendances will be taken for monitoring purposes.
Ni sa bula vinaka, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei,, Namaste, Kia orana, Taloha ni, Ia orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, 'Alii, Malo ni, Halo Olaketa, Mauri, Aloha mai & Greetings.
Welcome to SW 201: Social & Community Work Practice I
The course
critically analyses the skills and models of working with individuals, families,
groups and communities. An emphasis is
placed on contextual and culturally appropriate ways of working with people in
a variety of social and community work settings across Pacific Island nations.
Please refer to Moodle for any updates on Lecture dates and times. For Regional students, the Satellite tutorials times were posted on Moodle and began in the 2nd week of the semester every fortnight.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This course is structured to explore the provision of tourist attractions, facilities, and services as business activities. The components of the course address ideas and concepts surrounding the development of a business plan, sustainable strategies (International, Regional and Local), and planning concepts in the tourism industry. The course incorporates practical applications from different industry sectors including (but not limited to) accommodation, tour operations, and facility management. The topics and projects will be focused on these areas with emphasis on practical industry application.
Please note all students including Blended, Print and Face to Face LAUCALA (On-campus) will be using this Moodle course page.
This course is structured to explore the provision of tourist attractions, facilities, and services as business activities. The components of the course address ideas and concepts surrounding the development of a business plan, sustainable strategies (International, Regional and Local), and planning concepts in the tourism industry. The course incorporates practical applications from different industry sectors including (but not limited to) accommodation, tour operations, and facility management. The topics and projects will be focused on these areas with emphasis on practical industry application.
Please note all students including Blended, Print and Face to Face LAUCALA (On-campus) will be using this Moodle course page.
This course is structured to explore the provision of tourist attractions, facilities, and services as business activities. The components of the course address ideas and concepts surrounding the development of a business plan, sustainable strategies (International, Regional and Local), and planning concepts in the tourism industry. The course incorporates practical applications from different industry sectors including (but not limited to) accommodation, tour operations, and facility management. The topics and projects will be focused on these areas with emphasis on practical industry application.
Please note all students including Blended, Print and Face to Face LAUCALA (On-campus) will be using this Moodle course page.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.
This is a Moodle shell template.