This course is designed to provide access to important topics that may not fit well into the
confines of the traditional trimester-length course format. Some such topics represent recent
breakthroughs in knowledge; they will be taught by USP and distinguished visiting staff from

The course covers key issues relating to the South Pacific Business Environment and the development of sustainable responsible business enterprises. Corporate social responsibility, regionalism, utilization of natural resources, impact of culture on business problems, labour relations, national economic planning, public policy analysis,  government support for business , entrepreneurship, privatisation, private sector development and the consequences of foreign investment will be considered.   The relationship of business, sustainable development, culture and the natural environment as well as the ethics of various viewpoints and practices constitute major themes.  The course involves the analysis of Pacific Island business enterprise case studies and the growth prospects of industries and innovative products and services.


Unlike our MBA core courses in business economics, accounting, finance, management information systems and human resource management that focus on a particular discipline, MBA 434 South Pacific Business Environment is an integrative course.  It draws on the knowledge and skills learned in Business Economics and it analyses the whole spectrum of sustainable business development challenges for enterprises operating in the South Pacific business environment.  The focus is on Pacific enterprises and the competitive environments in which they operate, their future growth prospects and long-term strategy for sustainability.


The course is composed of the following ten units.


Unit 1 Pacific Island Economies: an Overview


Structure of Pacific island economies

Economic features: Natural and human resource endowments

Production and trade

Education and labour markets

Associated cultural features

Land tenure issues

Population growth and migration


Unit 2 Privatisation and Public Sector Reform


Historic reasons for large public sectors

Reassessment of the role of the public sector


Commercialization of government enterprises

Public-private partnerships

Alternative methods of service delivery


Unit 3 Planning in the Public and Private Sector


National Planning systems to promote Sustainable Economic Development

Role and functions of National Strategic Development Planning systems

New approaches to economic planning and strategies to promote green growth

Sustainable national infrastructure planning to support private sector growth

Role of sector, industry and regional plans

Corporate planning in private and public enterprises


Unit 4 Strategies to Promote Private Sector Development


Lessons from the World Bank Ease of Doing Business Surveys

Measures to improve the business environment

Government support for small business, small business centres, microfinance and training programs

Preparing business plans and feasibility studies

Export processing zones, and tax free zones

Export market development

Small business and Pacific culture

Reforming the legal framework and commercial law issues


Unit 5 Foreign and Local Investment and the Business Environment


Investment policies and strategies

Factors affecting foreign investments and the role of investment promotion agencies

Role of incentives

Review of major investment projects and risk analysis

Environmental and social impact of large scale mining projects in PNG

Local versus foreign investments


Unit 6 Culture and Entrepreneurship


Small business development

Training entrepreneurs

Business incubators, innovation centres, technology parks


Unit 7 Sustainable Development of business enterprises and Corporate Social Responsibility


Sustainable development policies and strategies

Promoting corporate environmental and social responsibility

The clean technology and green business revolution

Developing green business enterprises

Waste and energy reduction measures

Pollution taxes and incentives for green business

Carbon footprint reduction strategies and policy measures

Corporate social and environmental responsibility

Sustainability reporting


Unit 8   Public Policy Analysis for Sustainable Development:

Research and consulting skills for sustainable development


Role of policy analysis for sustainable development

Public Policy Formulation and participation of stakeholders

Tools of policy analysis, cost-benefit analysis and the planning balance sheet approach

Stakeholder Analysis of large scale mineral resource development projects

Policy instruments and measures and monitoring and evaluating the business environment


Unit 9 Growth Prospects of Industries.


Agricultural sector development

Forestry and sustainable yields

Fisheries development and Pacific tuna

Mining industry development and corporate social responsibility

Service sector development

Tourism development strategies

Role of tourism master plans

Technology and back office development


Unit 10 Globalization, Regionalism and Trade


Trade: an engine of growth for the Pacific

Regional trade agreements, PICTA and PACER

Trade policies issues

Role of the World Trade Organisation

Protection through tariffs and quotas

The Pacific and World economy, benefits and costs of globalization

Labour mobility and the transfer of jobs from high wage counties to low wage countries

Role and effectiveness of the CROP regional organisations, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

Role of the Asian Development Bank

Role of the IMF and World Bank

Multi-national corporations in the Pacific


The study of organisational behaviour is concerned with the causes of behaviour and the application of this knowledge to understanding the human aspects of organisational systems and their management. The focus is on individuals, on groups, and on organisations as a whole.

This course is designed to provide access to important topics that may not fit well into the
confines of the traditional trimester-length course format. Some such topics represent recent
breakthroughs in knowledge; they will be taught by USP and distinguished visiting staff from

Principles of marketing are discussed with reference to South Pacific products and services. Topics include: the role of marketing in the organisation and society; the marketing environment; customer markets and buyer behaviour; marketing research; market segmentation and positioning; the marketing-mix; product life cycle; marketing planning and implementation; and the ethical consequences of marketing actions. The marketing function is regarded as a key ingredient in management and strategic planning. Continuous reference is made to both the domestic and international marketplace.

The effective management of people has an important bearing on organisational success. The importance of personnel policies and procedures has created opportunities for managers and administrators with expertise in this field. The course provides conceptual and practical skills in areas such as the strategic aspects of human resource management, people-power planning, recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, training and development, salary administration and employee benefits. Industrial relations in the context of the South Pacific region is an important theme.