The course covers key issues relating to the South Pacific Business Environment and the development of sustainable responsible business enterprises. Corporate social responsibility, regionalism, utilization of natural resources, impact of culture on business problems, labour relations, national economic planning, public policy analysis,  government support for business , entrepreneurship, privatisation, private sector development and the consequences of foreign investment will be considered.   The relationship of business, sustainable development, culture and the natural environment as well as the ethics of various viewpoints and practices constitute major themes.  The course involves the analysis of Pacific Island business enterprise case studies and the growth prospects of industries and innovative products and services.


Unlike our MBA core courses in business economics, accounting, finance, management information systems and human resource management that focus on a particular discipline, MBA 434 South Pacific Business Environment is an integrative course.  It draws on the knowledge and skills learned in Business Economics and it analyses the whole spectrum of sustainable business development challenges for enterprises operating in the South Pacific business environment.  The focus is on Pacific enterprises and the competitive environments in which they operate, their future growth prospects and long-term strategy for sustainability.


The course is composed of the following units.


Weekly Lecture Schedule






Unit 1 Pacific Island Economies: Overview

How to analysis the business environment of a Pacific Island country

Sources of data and reports

Social structure of Pacific island Countries

Population and mirgation

Health and Land tenure issues


Class presentations/discissions/Q&A and seminars



Economic structure of Pacific island economies

Economic features

Production and trade

Education and labour markets


Class presentations/discissions/Q&A and seminars



Unit 2. Fiscal Policy and Fiscal Indiscipline in PICs

Fiscal Policy brief

Fiscal indiscipline issues



Class presentations/discissions/Q&A and seminars



Unit 3. Economic Distortions, Problem and Austerity Measures

Economic Distortions in PICs

Typical Economic Problem

Typical Austerity Measure


Class presentations/discissions/Q&A and seminars



Unit 4: Planing and National Development Plan and Sectoral Growth Prospects

Need for a National Development Plan

Planning process

Objective of a National Development Plan


Class presentations/discissions/Q&A and seminars



Structure of a National Development Plan

New approaches to economic planning and strategies to promote green growth.

Sustainable national infrastructure planning to support private sector growth.

Role of sector, industry and regional plans


Class presentations/discissions/Q&A and seminars



Unit 5: Privatisation and Public Sector Reform  

Reassessment of the role of the public sector

Privatization: Definition and rationale

Privatisation of production

Denationalisation and load sharing

State owned enterprises

Benefits and costs of privatization


Class presentations/discissions/Q&A and seminars





Table 1: Weekly Lecture Schedule (cont…)








Unit 6: Globalization, Regionalism and Trade

Trade: an engine of growth for the Pacific

Trade policies issues

Regional trade agreements, PICTA and PACER


Class presentations/discissions/Q&A and seminars




Regional bodies

 Role of the Asian Development Bank

Role of the IMF and World Bank

Multi-national corporations in the Pacific


Class presentations/discissions/Q&A and seminars




Unit 7: Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Environment

Sustainable development policies and strategies

Promoting corporate environmental and social responsibility

Environment and Climate Change

Environmental Challenges faced by Pacific Island countries


Class presentations/discissions/Q&A and seminars










Climate Change challeges faced by Pacific Island countries

Issue of Carbon trading and REDD+ programs


Class presentations/discissions/Q&A and seminars








Unit 8: Strategies to Promote Entrepreneurship and Private Sector Development, Local and Foreign Investment

Entrepreneurs and the process of new venture creation

Common features of entrepreneurship in the Pacific Islands region

Asian Development Bank, Private Sector assessments for PICs

Lessons from the World Bank Ease of Doing Business Surveys

Measures to improve the business environment for entrepreneurs.

Government support for entrepreneurship through business incubation, microfinance schemes, business mentoring, small business centres and training programs

Financing new and growing business ventures, angel investors, the role of development banks


Class presentations/discissions/Q&A and seminars






Unit 9: Culture, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business Practices

Examine of culture and tradition affects business practices

business success factors and Pacific cultures

Business ethics and corruption in the Pacific Islands


Class presentations/discissions/Q&A and seminars




Corruption and Economic growth

Examine some of the business Sustianable Development practices and Corporate Social Responsibility


Class presentations/discissions/Q&A and seminars